Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CEP817: Big Kahuna Begin

Today I started the official site for my Big Kahuna project for CEP817.  I decided to use weebly.com to create my site as it is a technology I have never used and I wanted to learn more about it.

Here is a link to use later in the site:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

CEP820: Online Module = DONE!

For this Fall 2010 semester, I've been working on creating an online module.  This was a large assignment that was part of the CEP820 class.  The final module is unfortunately not going to be online much longer, though I did save the files for later upload.

Instead, I'm going to share the developer notebook that I created as part of the class.  Here is the GoogleDoc.  I have also uploaded the link to my online e-portfolio.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Assessing and Evaluation

As I am always thinking of this topic in education here are two presentations found through CEP 820.

Asking Bigger Questions About Assessment  (22 minutes) by Gardner Campbell  

Initiating and Sustaining Conversations: Assessment and Evaluation in the Age of Networked Learning (36 minutes) by Konrad Glogowski

Here are some articles I found as well.

I thought I’d share this website.  It’s a free site that you can use to create rubrics.  Works really well.

Goolsby, T. (September, 1999).  Assessment in Instrumental Music.  Music Educators Journal 86 (2) p. 31.
 This article outlines various assessment techniques that can be used in a performing arts ensemble.  I choose this as a starting point to get me thinking about assessing in a music classroom. 

Douthit, J.  Assessment Techniques and Procedures in Collegiate Class Piano.
 Another article about assessment in music classrooms.  This one is more specific in relation to a class piano course.  The article discusses various types of assessment.

Assessment in the Music Classroom
 A great powerpoint discussing various challenges of assessment in the music classroom.  Also has a great slide about assessing rubrics.

Scoring Rubrics: How?
A great article detailing different types of rubrics and how to develop them.  Also has a list of great resources. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

CEP 800 Interview Project: Marching Band 2010

CEP 800 Interview Project MP3 (link)

This project was created for CEP800.  For the assignment I interviewed 3 of my marching band students.  The goal was to assess their learning and what they were getting out of being in marching band.

I was surprised as how difficult it would be to create the questions for this assignment.  It also took me a surprisingly long time to select a topic to focus on.   I never really thought about the creative process that was involved in creating an interview that had meaning.  It’s made me really appreciate this craft.

I was glad to learn that once I had those pieces in place though, the rest of the project was relatively easy and enjoyable.  Most of this I think was due to the student responses.  They all gave incredible responses to the questions.

I learned from them how much the program means to them, but more how much our band family means to them.  They all mentioned the idea of teamwork and how that was so important to them. 

This was very different from what I was expecting.  I thought most of them would talk about technical aspects such as things that didn’t go so well in the music or areas we would need to focus on visually.  Only one of them even mentioned the music and marching and that was in passing. 

The process of creating the podcast was relatively easy as well.  I got to learn how to use Audacity a little bit better and ended up using Garageband as well.  I now feel much more versed in using both of these programs and really felt accomplished in finishing this assignment.

It really recharged my teaching batteries to hear them share their ideas and their love for each other.  It is those types of teaching moments that makes it all worthwhile.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

CEP 811 Final Reflection

Many of these points I made in my CEP 812 reflection, but some are worth repeating.

One of the areas I grew in the most during this course was my knowledge of web 2.0 technologies and more importantly, their applications in education.  I never really thought about using a wiki before in my classroom, even though I knew about what a wiki was.  Seeing it a new light has made me rethink about other technologies and their educational merits.

My perspective shifted this summer, realizing that it's more important to look at the end goal of a technology application rather than just the application of itself.  As stated in CEP 810, finding a way to use technology to make a difference is so crucial.  Much of what we explored in CEP 811 also fostered that thinking and perspective.

The STAIR assignment was also a great experience.  I've never had to teach through a computer program before so learning how to do that was a new and growing endeavor.  I learned that it takes careful planning and strategic thinking when creating a STAIR.  One has to be familiar with several different styles of teaching in order to be effective.

I feel that I have accomplished my goal of becoming more versed in these technologies as well as finding ways of using them in my classroom.

A new goal for me to is to continue to add and maintain my new e-portfolio.  I also want to, someday, explore ways of creating a culture of technology integration in my school.  I know this will take time and a lot of teamwork as I have to get all of my colleagues on board, but I feel it's important and a worthwhile endeavor.

Overall, I'm glad to have taken the CEP courses and am feeling very ready to begin the rest of the MAET program.

CEP 812 Final Reflection

Throughout this course I have learned a great deal about various new technologies.  The techquest really pushed me to think about a way to implement newer music distribution technologies into my classroom.  My goal for the future is to continue implementing it and finding ways to make the process easier and more effective.

Another are that I have grown a great deal in is my web design.  Before the class I had some experience doing web design/building.  From this class, and experiences in CEP 811, I have grown a great deal and become much more capable at designing and building websites.  My goal for the future is to continue becoming more comfortable with it and to also learn more about web design.  Overall I hope that I can become more technically advanced as well as sophisticated in this area.

One of the greatest lessons I learned from this class was about the ISTE national standards for technology.  This helped me to give a backbone to my work in education as well as realize what's important.  It's also helped me to develop and foster strategies for teaching education.  Standards based teaching makes sense to me and feels like the most effective way of teaching.  ISTE provided those standards.

All of the technologies we explored in relation to web 2.0 (blogs, wikis, etc) really made me look at what's feasible in my classrooms.  With the large classes that I have, it can be difficult to manage.  But by using web 2.0 technologies, I hope that in the future I will be able to spend less time on logistics, and more time on teaching.

Overall, I felt that I have met my goals.  I have become more versed in new technologies and how they can be implemented in education.  I have also explored many applicable technologies that can be used in my classes.  Another great accomplishment this session was finally getting my e-portfolio together which has been a long-time goal of mine.

My new goal is to find ways of promoting these technologies in my school.  Sometime down the road, once I'm finished with the school myself, I want to devote some time to working with teachers and empowering them to use this technology themselves.  My hope is that by doing that, we can create a culture in our school that is 21st century.  From this class, and the other CEP courses, I have learned the importance of asking if the technology is serving a goal and using technology to meet an educational need, rather then starting with the technology first.

In closing, the CEP courses have been a wonderful experience.  I feel ready to head into new territory as I start the fall semester in the MAET program.  My hope is to get as much out of my future classes as I've gotten out of this class.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Online Teaching and Learning

Online technologies offer a plethora of opportunities for supplementing traditional classrooms.  One technology that I am extremely interested in using are online discussions.

I plan to use online discussions in tandem with vodcasts.  An important standard and step in the performance process in music, is evaluation of one's own performances.  Due to time, this is often difficult to do.  By using a discussion board I hope to foster deeper levels of discussion and thoughtful reflection. 

One strategy that I would use with my students is modeling.  I always do my own reflection after the students performances.  Most of the time I don't have time to share it with them, but with the discussion board, it'll be available for them to see.  This will provide them both an exemplar about how to reflect and also provide an opening for students to respond to.

There are a couple of technologies that would be hard to use with my students.  Mostly because my classes are very large.  This year I have a class that is 130+ students and another that is 85 students.  Things such as webquests, research projects, and simulations would be nearly impossible and ultimately not viable. 

On the flip side though, learning management technologies, such as blackboard, work wonderfully.  This is also another technology I am investigating in as our school has recently picked it up.  I found out last week that blackboard also has several other features such as blogs, message boards, and wikis.  :)